woensdag 22 februari 2012

"Junks, junks and more Junks

"Junks, junks and more Junks" New edition of “junks, junks and more Junks”. The first edition was in May 2007.
In the midst of our relocating few years ago our prayer warriors came by the house and some of the sisters brought lots of love and words of encouragement to us and they have been praying for all of our friends around the world. It was awesome! I only have one thing only in my mind
Still a lot of moving to do
I saw lots of junks, junks and more junks when I was sorting out my things. I didn’t understand why I kept some of the things I kept, Things like old newspapers, hair extensions I have never used, lots of shoes I never knew I had… I mean a lot of junks! I was amazed about all of these junks. These junks have been there for a couple of years. I have been storing them one by one, one day after another. Revelation; storing op junks in the physical is the same as in the spirit. Let us look at the spiritual first. This also happens in the physical as well as in the spiritual realm. Spiritual Junks. We sometime tend to carry our past hurts, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, grudges, envy, malice, unforgiveness, anger and bitterness, worry, anxieties, fear around and store it somewhere in our hearts and sometimes insecurities . We just keep storing these deadly spiritual parasites in our hearts. These are works of this flesh; Holy bible tells us to do away with such, Galatians 5:20-26. Relocation We finally relocated from our old location to our new home, we lived there 7 years. I was amazed at how much junks I had kept in the house all these years; They quite a lot, and I realized that we did not have to wait for 7 years in that house or situation before we do honest self-evaluation. We need to evaluate ourselves daily using the living Word as a mirror and standard of our living. If possible every day. Physical Junks (automobile) Personally I sometimes go on a fast to clean out my body system. I drink lots of water, which I personally think is good for you. It is good to sometimes go for a flush or a quick fast. Not flushing, or detoxify, cleans out yourself practically means we are storing junks in our system .Sometimes we can still have food from ten years ago in our system. When we refuse to clean out our body system properly, this is a great practice; it is good for your health! Your body is the temple of God. As children of God, let us take exercising as an act of worship to the Lord, because our body is His temple!! When we fail to do this, it is like driving your auto mobile for several years and not changing the oil!! So let us renew our commitment to our Lord, creator of the heavens and earth and to ourselves, to keep the junks out of our home, relationships, body and spirit. Amen Jesus Christ Sanctifies If you are a born again Christian. With this I mean, if you have ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and ask Him to forgive you, the Holy Spirit will come inside of you and He will help you locate all these junks. There is power in the blood of Jesus Christ, He is our Sanctifier the book of Hebrew said, Jesus Christ our Messiah is willing to sanctify us, get rid of the junks today, and you don’t need them. Hold on to Jesus Christ He is the author and the finisher of our faith! Let go of the junks and you will enjoy the flow of God Almighty in your life! Let Him Love on You! But maybe you have never made Jesus Christ your personal lord and Savior, it is very simple. I will like to introduce Him to you; you will never regret or be ashamed for meeting Him. He is a great and faithful friend to have! When you meet Jesus in person, I promise you will never be the same again. He will heal all your past wounds, hurts, emotions and diseases. He will purge, cleans and sanctify you! And guess what He will give you Beauty for ashes. He will give you reason to live!