zaterdag 9 april 2011

Decisions based on fear inevitably bring trouble.

God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7, New King James Version).

Fear is the primary reason many Christians fail to see the manifestation of God’s power in their lives. Today's video study reminded us that fear does not come from God. On the contrary, God gives His children a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Why is it so many Christians suffer from illness? In many cases there is fear that disease runs in the family, or that there is nothing we can do to avoid being the victim of sickness and disease.

In Job 3:25, Job says, "For the thing I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me." Fear invited adversity into Job's life, and that is exactly what is happening in the lives of so many Believers. Have you ever made a financial decision based on fear? Perhaps you took out a second mortgage on your home because you were afraid you would never get those nagging bills paid off, or perhaps you took out a loan to pay for that trip you were afraid you would never be able to take otherwise.
Decisions based on fear inevitably bring trouble. That is the plan of the enemy. He wants Christians to fear what might happen if they take their time and pray before making a major decision. As I pointed out in the previous video study, fear prohibits Believers from operating in their God-given authority. Whenever we are fearful of "what might happen

if ... ", we need to immediately recognize that as a tactic of the enemy and take our time to seek God's wisdom on the issue.

Keep in mind that fear is the exact opposite of faith. Faith brings the blessings of God into our lives, and fear brings the curses of the enemy into our lives. In order to walk free of fear, the Word tells us in 2 Cor. 4:18 to "... look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen ... " When the enemy tries to get you to fearfully focus on the problem that is in front of you, simply refuse to do so. Insist on looking at the victory which may not be visible in the natural realm just yet, but is certainly available to you in the spiritual realm. Your unwavering faith will pull your victory from the spiritual realm into the natural realm every time!

I know God is doing a great work in you. Stick with it, and refuse to faint. Continue to take time every day to engage in the Change Experience Devotionals; your life will be changed forever. Taffi and I love you, and we are praying for you.

Visit Experiance Change

Posted by Mercedes Monden
Stg Breath Of Holies Charity Organisation

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