dinsdag 8 september 2009

Power of God Love

http://www.breathofholies.org/God demonstrates His own Love for us in this: While we were still sinners, ... to identify our problems and to give us better ways to live. ... By the Holy Spirit — and God promises to give us His Spirit whenever we ask. ... "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1).
Praise God, This is indeed the Power of God Love for us, Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Greater love than this does not exist. But this is true. Yahweh Lord God Almighty desire to have a close and personal intimate relationship with us. He is our maker and the creator of the universe. His love is so Pure and Perfect that He will not impose Himself on us. Please Give Him yes today.

Maybe you have been abused even within the church or close friends and family. Please know that, Christ did not abuse you, come back to Him. He is the Good and Perfect Shepherd and He knows how to disconnect you from your past hurts experiences, He wants to reconnect you back to your destiny but you must come back to Him, He will not compromise His Holiness.

we need to repent from any and every sin in our life, forsake them and start a fresh relationship with Him that is worthy. Come and be washed and be cleansed with the

blood of Jesus Christ! Yes there is mighty power in the blood of Jesus Christ!
He love you with everlasting Love, you can not make Him change His mind about you. in the same token “The Lord says Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you. Jeremiah 31:3 NKJV (This is the true passion of Christ)!

This is the heart of our Heavenly Father. I pray that you can still open up your heart to the Most Holy One that is calling you by your name. trust Him.


We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Breath of Holies Outreach

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