maandag 19 juli 2010

Day 18 : I SURRENDER ALL. Testimony

Minister Juliana Carpen is ministring in word!
Testimony :
My testimony is about my meeting with minister Mercedes and coming in contact with Breath of Holies We meet each other on the street and discover very quick that our meeting was not ordinary. We have a lot in common... like: passion for the lost and less fortunate people, we love evangelism, en even some of our dreams are common. I believe that our meeting was appointed by God. Also since I join the morning prayer my life has change. I learn to train my leadership qualities , I learn to pray , to interceed for the body of Christ and the nations of the world and always wait for the guidance of the Spirit.

If you want to join ... don't think twice .Your life will change!

Come and be blessed!

The Holy Spirit :

a. God Himself / He is the third person of the Godhead: (Genesis 1:26);

b. He is another Comforter: (John 14:16-20), (2Chorinthians 1:3);

c. He is a counselor: (Isaiah 11:2), (Romance 8:16);

d. He is the Helper: (Romance 8:16);

e. He is the strengthener: (Philippians 4:13), (Isaiah 11:2);

f. He is the intercessor: (Romance 8:26);

g.He is the teacher: (1Corinthians 2:9-11), (1Jhon 2:20), (John 16:13);

h.He is the stand by: (2Corinthians 12:9-10).


Romanian language :
Marturie :
Intalnirea mea cu predicatorul Mercedes nu a fost intamplatoare. Ne-am intalnit pe strada

si am descoperit foarte curand ca avem foarte multe in comun, cum ar fi pasie de a ajuta
oameni, evanghelizare si chiar avem cateva visuri in comun. Credem ca intalnirea noastra

a fost programata de Domnul. Mercedes iubeste tara noastra toat atat de mult cat o iubesc si eu.

Viata mea s-a schimbat cand m-am alaturat echipei de rugaciune de dimineata (Mijlocitorii

B.O.H). Aici am invatat sa ma rog efectiv, sa mijlocesc pentru trupul lui Hristos, sa

astept indrumare Duhului Sfant.Tot aici mi-am antrenat calitatile de lider. Daca vrei sa te

alaturi noua nu te gandi de doua ori.

Vino si fii binecuvantat !

Duhul Sfant :

a. Este insusi Dumnezeu, a treia persoana a Trinitatii: (Geneza 1:26);

b. Este un alt Mangaietor: (Ioan 14:16-20), (2Corinteni 1:3);

c. Este un alt consilier: (Isaia 11:2), (Romani 8:16);

d.Este un ajutor: (Romani 8:16);

e. Este un intaritor, un sprijinitor: (Isaia 11:2), (Filipeni 4:13);

f. Este Mijlocitorul in rugaciune: (Romani 8:26);

g. Este invatatorul: (1Corinteni 2:9-11), (1Ioan 2:20), (Ioan 16:13);

h. Este calauzitorul: (2Corinteni 12:9-10).



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