zaterdag 3 juli 2010


Surrender all ! Stop thinking ... Stop thinking... Stop thinking about what you have lost , about what is not working , lift up your eyes and look unto Jesus- the Hope of Glory!... look forward.

Do not Look at the things which are seen , but at the things which are not seen ... because the things which we do not see are ETERNAL (2 Cor 4:18). Cast all your care upon Him for He careth for you (1 Peter 5:7) . Our Creator is faithful and He always causeth us to triumph in Christ. (2Cor 2:14).
Be careful for nothing ; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanks giving present your request unto God (Phil 4:6). Go after Christ ; be followers of Jesus and find your purpose in the kingdom.

Now is THE HIGH TIME ... the world is waiting for us ... is waiting for manifestation ; for the manifestation of the sons of God . (Rom 8:9)

The world needs to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty! (Rom 8:21). God work with time & seasons and NOW IS THE HIGH TIME to awake ; awake out of sleep ... put on the armour of light (Rom 13:11-12).

We are His beloved, His anointed ...we must step out the comfort zone and do something new...start to leave out the plan God has for our life ...fulfill our destiny ! Arise...shine...for the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee (Isaiah 60:1).Begin to walk with God and you will get wisdom & favor .

He have chosen us and ORDAINED us to GO and bring forth fruit! Fruit that will REMAINE ! But we need to GO after His glory...Rise up and GO ! If you go for this 41days fast the Lord will go before you to prepare the way...and you shall not be moved...for the way of the Lord is perfect! There is no failure with God . (Psalm 18:30)

During this 41 days fast He will reveal to you secret things ...and also prepare you for the good things .He that know all hearts and understand all imagination of the thoughts will purge and clean you. How ??? True His word... you need the word ...we need to serve Him with a perfect heart and a willing mind...Begin to speak back to the enemy ...God had given us a mouth to use it ... start shouting back to the devil because death and life are in the power of the tongue (proverbs 18:21).

Our Lord is the same yesterday , today and forever... He is a God that changes not...but we have to change...we must change level and begin to walk in excellencies ... begin to see yourself the way He see you...Take dominion...take authority...

I don't know about you ... but I am really blessed and excited about this 41 days fast Journey... I see the light is shining bright on the end. Whatever you believe God for... If you take this journey seriously, He will do much more fore you for He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think of. This is the joy of abiding in Christ ...our expectation will not be cut down!

You may have a rough beginning as you abide in Him, He will increase you greatly. He will make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous. (Job 8:6&7)

GO INTO THE WORD AND GOD WILL BE WITH YOU! The Holy Spirit will give you new revelation... new understanding about that which He has wrote in The book of the law because we know The Holy Spirit is the writer of the Bible. He will show you and teach you the way ...His way.

He wants you to be prosperous wherever you go because He has called you to be a blessing & solution for others.(Joshua1:8-9). Our God is the first and the last and there is no other God beside Him ( Isaiah 44:6) . We are his children in whom He will be glorified. The Lord will direct our works in truth; He made an everlasting covenant with us ... we are Abraham's seed which The Lord has blessed to spring forth before all nation .


A little one shall became a thousand and a small one a strong nation : I THE LORD WILL HASTEN IT IN HIS TIME... The TIME IS NOW... YOUR TIME IS NOW! Arise and be blessed!!!


I am a new creation in Christ Jesus .I have the life; nature and Spirit of God in me . I am born of God's word which abides forever . I am superior to the devil and put him where he belongs - under my feet . In Jesus mighty name! AMEN !

Written by Minister Carpen iuliana

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