zondag 4 juli 2010


Minister Iuliana Carpen is ministring in word today!

Hello everybody !!! Today is our fourth day. The Lord has done great things already within this 4 days. The prayer session was amazing this morning...The anointing was very strong ...we really felt that the Lord was here with us...We really enjoy the unity & love of the Holy Spirit. To God be the glory forever!

In these days we need to be clear about who we are ... just as Jesus was very clear about who He was and about His purpose! If you are not clear about your calling ...during this fasting I pray that you will receive clarity of God's vision and purpose for your life ! "Let every man abide in the same calling wherein He was called." 1Cor(7:20).

We are God's children , His anointed , His chosen one . The word said in Isaiah 43: 1 : "O, Israel , fear not : for I have redeemed thee , I have called thee by thy name ; thou art mine . He is the one called us , chosen us... we are his witnesses ; the branch of his planting. We are of God and He want us to became a solution & be spiritual alive ; He take pleasure in us.


1.Love without dissimulation; (rom 12:9)
2.Respect & love one another ; (rom 12:10) ; (1jhon4:11)
3.Serve the Lord with a pure heart & mind ; (rom12:11)
4.pray, be patience & rejoice in hope ; (Rom 12:12) ; (Isaiah 60:15)
5.Contribute on the necessity of saints & considereth the poor ; (rom 12:13) ; (Psalm 41:1-2)
6.bless those who persecute you and curse not ; (rom 12:14)
7.rejoice with those are rejoicing and weep with those that are weeping ; ( rom 12:15)
8.be not wise on your own understanding; (rom 12:16) ; (proverbs 3:5)
9.recompense not evil with evil; (rom 12:17) ; (proverbs 20:22)
10.live peacefully with all men ; (rom 12:18)
11.give no place for anger & wrath ; (rom 12:19)
12.give drink and food to the enemy ; (rom 12:20)
13.overcome evil with good ; (rom 12:21)
14.walk in perfect love ; "We love Him because He first love us "(1Jhon 4:19)
"He perfect our love and as He is , so we are in this world" (1Jhon4:17)


Dear Father I thank You for Your word ! As we became full of the word we became full of hope & full of God ! We rejoice at Your word! Have Your way and bring us to a new dimension in You ! I reject failure ; fear & lack on any area of my life because now I walk in perfect love in Jesus name! Amen!

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